Wednesday, June 05, 2002

Archived Articles, etc.

Some articles (stories, poems, etc.) not linked on this page are available on request if accompanied by a name and a valid email address. Literary criticism or any material that might be used for research purposes in a high school or college course (in short, academic stuff)is available only after you have provided me with a teacher's valid email address. All work is copyright protected. You can reach me here.


Elizabeth's Stuff:

----A Father Forever

----To A Visionary (poem)

----Relatively Speaking: a kid meets evolution (preamble and poem)

----On Her 7th Birthday (poem)

----On Her First Holy Communion (poem)

----Elizabeth One Day (poem)

----First Day of School (and two limericks)

Bernadette's Stuff:

----Tribute to Bernadette

----Firstborn (poem)

----Letter From the Tooth Fairy (reminiscence with poem)

----Bernadette's Golf Page

For Both Girls:

---- Evening Petition

---- Deliverance

---- Deep River

The Letters Home:

----More from the boxes - Mar. 6&7

----A poem and 3 limericks

----Feb. 26, 27, 28 - 1990

----Mar. 1, 3, and 5

----Apr. 15th, 16th, and 29th

The Chronicles of Terri Schiavo

---- Death Watch: 2003

---- A Question...and...

---- ...My Answer

---- Don't Say Goodbye - Yet

---- Terri's News: 2004


---- To Let Live or Make Die: The Touchstone Article

---- Dead Woman Waking: the original, unedited version

---- Death Watch: 2005

---- Goodbye, Terri

---- The Law: is it dead yet?

---- Remembering the Pope and his American daughter


----Animal of the Month: Cedar (in answer to the question: do dogs go to heaven?)



----The Hurricane Chronicles 2004

---- Notes on Charley

---- Mother Nature's a Bitch

----Abstinence Police

----Crime Hits Home
The Home Alone series:

----Home Alone

----Home Alone II: a sticky situation

----Together Again

----The Mystery of Woman (cont.)


----On Progress and Papal Authority

----Revealed Unto Babes: Anscombe on transubstantiation

----Elizabeth Anscombe on contraception and marriage

----Malcolm Muggeridge on Humanae Vitae

----Sunday Thought: From Caesar to Christ

----Her Great Cost: Margaret More says goodbye

----More's Companion in the Tower

----More on the King's Good Servants

Sunday Thoughts in Verse:

----April Morning

---- Sceptic

---- Forgetmenot

---- The High Ground


----Does Suffering Have Meaning?

---- Does Suffering...a continuation

---- Does Suffering...finis

----Who Are the Innocent? - on the bombing of Hiroshima (See also: The Culture and its Wars
----La Pucelle (See also: Film)

----La Pucelle (cont.)

----Philosophy On The Rocks: the Deal Hudson fiasco

---- The Pursuit of (Un)Happiness: on Catholics and marriage

---- Abstinence Police

----Letter to a Priest

----Letter to a Priest - Part II

Letters to the Editor:

---- On Contraception: to the National Catholic Reporter

---- On Hans Küng: to The Florida Catholic

---- Balancing Act: on abortion (to the Gainesville Sun)

----War of Words (cont.): to the Gainesville Sun, on Bishop Maher and Lucy Killea

---- The Troubles: priestly sex scandal


----In the Blink of an Eye...and...

----...A Reader's Response

----In Memory of Kelly Kranze

----Dying by Degrees....
also available at The New Pantagruel

----Aborted Lives: for Cathy Leland

----Walking the Dog

---- Home Safe


---- The Fly Talks Back

---- 9/11/01

---- Evening Idyll

---- Sceptic

---- Forgetmenot

---- The High Ground

Mouse Poetry series:

----Mouse Poetry

----Mouse Poetry Contest

----Mice on My Mind

----The Competition Begins

----Aaaand...the Winner is...
For My Wife:

----To Mary Helyn

---- Song to Mary

See also: Home Alone II - a sticky situation
----Viagara for the Soul - inspired by spam

----The Evolution Dance

----This One Good Thing



----Deep River

----Nightwatch: for John Morrissey

A Few Christmas Poems:

---- Room at the Inn

---- Autumn

---- A Christmas Wish


----Holy Ground [novel excerpt]

----A Man of the World [short story]


---- Now Playing: Million Dollar Baby

----La Pucelle

---- Now Playing: Return of the King

---- Now Playing: Open Range

----Brief Takes: Mystic River and Hart's War

----Brief Takes: Dream Catcher, The Order, Out of Time, and Identity

----Darkness Falls

---- Signs: movie review

---- The Vein in the Brain: 24


---- On Torture:
Hurts so Good: Confronting Transcendance in the Scum of the Earth

---- Atheism and Evil (on Heather MacDonald, tsunamis, and the evidence for God)

---- Scientheology

---- Compromising Positions
     Posted also at Enchiridion Militis

---- Laura the Libertarian

---- Thou Shalt Not Kill - on Krauthammer and frozen embryos

---- All Quiet: Abu Ghraib and the beheading of Nick Berg

The 2004 Election:

----Elections Thoughts - small blessings, Biblical proportions

----More Election Afterthoughts: on literacy and voting

----Recommendations and Red State Idiots

---- Who Are the Innocent? On the bombing of Hiroshima

The Terri Schiavo Case:

---- A Question...and

---- My Answer
Just Punishment? The Paul Hill Case:
---- A Question and...

---- My Answer
The Breastfeeding Trilogy:

---- Breastfeeding in Public: let it all hang out

---- All Hot and Bothered about Breastfeeding

---- Thoughtful Male Weirdo

And All the Rest

---- Breakin' Up is Hard to Do: Same Sex Marriage and Civil Unions

---- Naomi Wolfe on Sex (and other items of interest)

---- Bodacious Bidet

---- Recognition, At Last

---- A Stone for Shmuel

---- Fred Reed: Sociobiologist

---- A Wish For Lileks

---- Sodomy Goes Straight

---- Religion of Peace? - contra Hitchens on the Pope and War

---- Women in Combat

---- The End of Sex as We Know It [The Touchstone Article]. Original title: If Something Can Go Wrong...

---- If Something Can Go Wrong...(on reproductive cloning) The original, unedited version

---- Moment of Truth: bug-chasers and gift givers

---- Something's Out There

---- Less Than Meets the Eye

---- Martha Stewart: house guest

---- On God in the Pledge

News Roundups:

----Weird Stuff

----News Roundup for Sept. 21, 2002: the out-of-body brain, homosexual flies, transhumanism, porn in the classroom, terrorism and Georgia crackers, stoning in Nigeria, and Rilya Wilson (among others) goes missing in Florida



---- Fiddling With Faulkner


----Animal of the Month: Cedar (in answer to the question: do dogs go to heaven?)

----A Croc of...

----Croc Hunter Follow-up

----Crocodile Hunter Takedown

----Animals of the Month: leech on life

----Animal of the Month: in love and war

----Animal Sex

THE MYSTERY OF EVIL (both natural and moral)

---- This Little Girl...on Manar, the girl with two heads?

----Hush, Little Baby


---- See also In the Blink of an Eye

TSO'S page

----Featuring links to, and quotes from, Video Meliora (and a few others)

----Elections Thoughts - small blessings, Biblical proportions

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