Oct 15, 2003
According to this article from WDBO in Orlando, Terri's tube has been removed. It will take a week to ten days for her to die. Jeb Bush's legal advisors are still seeking a way to put a stop to it (he met with Terri's parents this morning), but I am doubtful. I guess prayers for a miracle are all that's left. You might ask the intercession of St. Teresa of Avila, whose feast day this is, and from whom Terri's parents found a name for their daughter. Michael Schiavo, in his beneficence, allowed Bob and Mary Schindler and a few others to visit Terri shortly after 2 P.M. But from all I've been able to gather, they will not be allowed to hold her hand in her agony, whisper love in her ear, wipe the vomit from her lips, embrace her one last time, say good-bye, pray in her presence, weep to the heavens in her last moment. They get to stand on the sidewalk outside with the other mourners.
Welcome to America.
Murdering judges.
Terri Day 2
Oct 16
A poll taken yesterday at WDBO.com showed sentiment running at 56% to 44 against removing Terri's tube. Today, that same poll is running at 71 to 29...against. For what it's worth.
Michael Schiavo's profession is nursing. Yes, he is one. He's taking some time off from his job. Hope he's still on vacation when my time comes.
Some excerpts from an article at WFLA.com entitled "Fight Fades to Vigil":
``She was listless, like half-asleep, half-awake,'' Bob Schindler said later. ``She was less responsive than she's been for quite some time.''
Schiavo has consistently maintained he loves his wife and does not want her kept alive against her wishes. At one point he offered to donate the remainder of his wife's estate to charity if her parents would allow their daughter to die. Wow, what a choice.
Bob Schindler said one of his daughter's childhood friends, visiting from the Philadelphia area, was turned away during an attempt to visit Wednesday.
But Monsignor Thaddeus Malanowski, who has been visiting Terri Schiavo on a weekly basis, was able to visit along with the Schindlers on Wednesday.
Malanowski said he administered the anointing of the sick, as he has done in the past, and also blessed Schiavo using a cloth relic that once belonged to Mother Teresa.
According to Malanowski, Mary Schindler was sad Wednesday as she kissed, caressed and hugged her daughter. ``She just stared at her mother,'' Malanowski said of Schiavo's reaction.
To Malanowski, Schiavo seemed calm. ``I don't think she'll be the same in two or three days when she's without [water] or nourishment,'' the priest said.
Let's hope that cloth has a miracle in its weave.
Terri Day 3
Oct 17, 2003
Here's a story from World Net Daily courtesy of J.S. Kern, another fromCNS News, and yet another from Tampa Bay Online, all claiming that Governor Bush may have the authority to put Terri's murder on hold by initiating a criminal investigation, possibly on two fronts: one into abuse allegations against her husband Michael, and another into the possibility that she is being denied proper care under certain provisions of Florida state law, the same body of law that regards nutrition and hydration as extraordinary means of prolonging life. The noises coming from the Governor's office seem rather tepid to me. You can hope but I wouldn't count on much.
Michael Schiavo has been receiving death threats and has temporarily moved out of his house. Sorry about that Michael. Right now my sympathy's all focused on your wife. I'll try to save some for you.
Catholic theologian Bill O'Reilly discussed the case with a neurosurgeon last night on his show, and they both solemnly agreed that there is no reason for anyone to die in pain anymore, not with "all the stuff we have," as O'Reilly put it. He doesn't see why they can't just give Terri a shot to put her out of it since she's going to die anyway. He said the debate about euthanasia was for another show. Gosh, Bill, it sounded like that's what you were talking about. So was pulling the tube wrong, Bill? And if it was, it's okay to give her a shot? It sounds, Bill, like what you're saying is that if they're going to kill her anyway, they might as well do it fast. Sounds like you're implying that pulling the tube just might be barbaric, but shooting her up would be civilized. There's simply no excuse for uncivilized murder anymore. Not with "all the stuff we have."
If you need some ray of hope, I suggest reading two stories, one by Sparki and the other by Peony, both of which are uplifting and heartbreaking at the same time. Bless those two ladies.
A Break from the gloom
Oct 17, 03
T.S. O'Rama, who is kind enough to recognize the words of other bloggers with his "Spanning the Globe" posts, deserves to have the favor returned. First, he quotes John Paul II: "Love inspires the culture of life, while selfishness inspires the culture of death." Above this line is a drawing of a baby in utero, the humility of his posture paying homage to the Pope's words. Most arresting. And then I wondered: will Terry Schiavo find herself assuming this posture as the days pass, silent witness to the most succinct and profound words of John Paul's pontificate?
And then T.S.'s own words: "I used to think that we should de-emphasize Mary for ecumenical reasons...Of course, wanting to hide your Mother in the backroom when company comes is the sign of someone who doesn't love his Mother very much."
Terri Day 4
Oct 18, 03
Here's an article from TBO. It's all I could find in the wee hours of the morning. Maybe there will have been a miracle by the time I wake up, because things don't look too good right now. Times Against Humanity also has a couple of links worth reading.
Update: This line from a WDBO article is about a day old, but it caught my attention: "She is expected to be able to live one to two weeks without food, but her parents and their supporters were growing increasingly frantic some 48 hours into the process." No doubt Terri's beginning to show signs of agitation, or, if they are medicating her, of increasing stupor. And the hope which springs eternal in her parents' breast awaits action by the Governor. But none is forthcoming.
More: Here are two articles posted today at World Net Daily, one informing us that the watchdog group Judicial Watch has filed an abuse complaint that gives the Governor legal standing under the Florida constitution and specified statutes to remand the case to the Department of Children and Family Services for immediate intervention on Terri's behalf; and the other telling us that, despite 10 emails per second flooding his office in-box, Jeb Bush has "failed" Terri. "The family's mood ranges from despair to slow, burning rage at the court system and the refusal of the governor to take charge..."
And here's a comment by a spokesman for the Family Research Council: "Press reports say that Gov. Jeb Bush (R-FL) is trying to determine what he can do for Terri. He must remember, however, that when a court makes a ruling such as this -- one that goes against every sense of natural law and Judeo-Christian values -- he is under no moral obligation to follow its decision. We're talking about life and death. This case supercedes any notions of separation of powers and respect for a court's independence. An innocent woman is dying because a court believes it has the authority to bring about her death."
Terri Day 5
Oct 19
Here's an article from World Net Daily relating what you've probably already heard, that Terri was denied Viaticum, with a Schiavo lawyer and two policemen standing by to make sure the deprivation was enforced. And another article from TBO discussing possible changes in Florida law that might be instigated by this case. It's a legal discussion that misses the moral mark in my opinion, but I don't feel like going into it right now. I have wondered why Bush could not have called an emergency session of the legislature to change that provision in our law that considers nutrition and hydration an "extraordinary" life-prolonging treatment. If the legislature were sufficiently riled, they could accomplish such a change immediately, making it retroactive so that Bush would be empowered to find Judge Greer's order in violation of Florida law rather than in comportment with it. I am no doubt naive.
Of Interest: Lane Core mounts an answer to Mark Shea's and Peter Vere's objection to the use of violence in any attempt to save Terri.
Day 6
Oct 20
Maybe Jeb Bush read my post from yesterday. Some reports say that he has called a special session of the legislature at which House Speaker Johnnie Byrd will introduce legislation putting a moratorium on all murders in the state of Florida scheduled to be achieved by means of starvation and dehydration. Sounds like Jeb's trying to stick with the "process" when what is needed is a federal swat team swooping in to rescue Terri, as was so boldly accomplished in the "liberation" of Elian Gonzalez. Jeb might consider asking his brother for just such a favor. If Clinton can hearken to Castro, surely George can assuage his own brother.
Seems to me this "special" legislative sesssion is a tactic that could have been in place long ago, rather than being put off until Terri is at death's door. World Net Daily tells the story, offering at first great hope and then snatching it away about half way through when we learn that Senate President Jim King, a Republican from Jacksonville, will not present the bill for a vote in the upper house. Mr. King is a member of the Florida Hospice board of directors.
Toward the end of the article is a link to the Florida legislature's website, where you can find telephone numbers and email addresses for members of both houses. In fact, here is Senator King's email address.
Now use it.
Day 7
Oct 21
Hmm. This is interesting. Looks like your emails, phone calls and faxes may be having some effect. Here's the headline, all the way from Pennsylfrigginvania of all places:
King: Legislature may act to save Terri Schiavo--subheaded by:
Senate President Jim King said Monday that he will propose legislation this week that could save the life of a severely brain-damaged woman whose feeding tube was removed last week by her husband's order.
That's pretty good spin. Senator King, you'll recall, was initially against intervention. But that computer in his office just won't stop screaming You've got mail! From Tampa Bay Online: Phones and computers across the state Capitol rang and chimed throughout the day as lawmakers were flooded with pleas to intervene in the Schiavo case. Said Sen. King, once his head finally faced the front again: "If we are going to err, then let us err on the side of caution. I just hope to God we've done the right thing.'' Whoa there, Jim. I don't recall hearing you say that before the tube was pulled, when you were in fact in favor of it. Where was your sense of caution then? Were you hoping to God that the right thing was being done? When keeping her alive makes you hope to God but killing her doesn't, I get confused. Things start sounding backwards. No offense; we'll take what we can get at this point. I just don't see why all this conscience couldn't have kicked in a long time ago.
Some lawmakers are bothered by legal and constitutional issues, fearing the legislature might be overstepping its bounds. Said Dan Gelber, a Democrat from Miami Beach where a lot of old people live, some of them with tubes going in and out: "This bill so oversteps our role, it not only sets a dangerous precedent, it turns democracy on its head." Oh, those worry-wart Democrats, always so concerned about democracy. They're so busy making the world safe for it you can hardly blame them for failing to notice that a woman's being murdered in the back yard. There's nothing special about poor Mr. Gelber. He's like so many of us who have bought into the modern American notion of democracy as a state of affairs in which the people hand over to the judiciary the power of divine discernment, a celestial insight into who among us is worthy of the gift of life and who is not. The Judge in the black robe giveth, and the Judge taketh away; blessed be the name of the Judge. It's amazing what a law degree can accomplish these days. We all sneer at ambulance chasers and lawsuits aimed at convicting MacDonald's of making a really good french fry, but this other feat of leggerdemain, the one granting them the gift of infused Wisdom, is the legal profession's greatest and most costly con. We'll be paying for it for quite some time, some of us with our lives.
I think Schiavo's lawyer, George Felos, is getting worried. Yesterday, Gordon Scott, an attorney for the Advocacy Center for Persons with Disabilities, pleaded with a federal judge in Tampa to keep Schiavo, 39, alive long enough to investigate a claim that she is being abused by her husband. U.S. District Judge Steven D. Merryday said he will issue a decision in the nationally watched case...by day's end, meaning, I presume, today. Merryday asked Scott whether the agency would be in court if Terri Schiavo had left written instructions expressing her desire not to be kept alive on life support. State courts have ruled in favor of Michael Schiavo's claim that his wife had verbally expressed those wishes. Scott said that if there were a legally valid written statement from Terri Schiavo, he would not have filed the request for the restraining order. I see a terrible weakness in Mr. Scott's case here, but I can bitch about that later.
Meanwhile, Felos's reaction to the legislative initiative was to surmise that it was probably unconstitutional. Of course it is, Mr. Felos. It's trying to thwart you. Anything that tries to usurp the judicial fiat over life and death is ipso facto unconstitutional. Undemocratic, as Mr. Gelber might put it. And as to Judge Merryday's involvement, Felos's opinion is that he has no jurisdiction. I'll make you a bet, Mr. Felos. I'll bet that if Merryday rules against you, we'll all see your convincingly, infallibly compassionate mien present itself before a federal judge of yet higher standing, begging him to overrule the former one, and whose jurisdiction, should he go your way, you will gladly extol as the last word on the subject.
A final note to Jim King. The debate on the bill is scheduled for 8 A.M. Hold to it. And then schedule the vote immediately thereafter. It's day seven for Terri. According to witnesses who have seen her, "...she is beginning to fade, and they fear she can't hold out much longer. She is reported to be alert still and vocalizing, but her face is thinner and her skin is becoming drawn, showing the effects of five days of dehydration." Don't piss around so long that she ends up dying while you dither. That tube needs to be re-inserted posthaste.
Senator King's email address is in the post below. I would ask readers to use it...again. Thank him for what he's done so far, and beg him to proceed with the fervor of a man possessed by the vision of a sacred mission. It's up to you to "screw [his] courage to the sticking-place."
Terri Lives – for now
Oct 22
Praise the Lord - always. But do not assume too much in the light of this good news.
Said Jeb Bush: "I hope all Floridians, and any others who have followed this case, will ensure their best interests are clearly documented in a living will or other directive to spare their families a similar anguish."
What this implies, nay, clearly states, is that if Terri Schiavo had left written instructions that she was not to be kept alive by a feeding tube, it would be all right to remove it. In other words, a person can ask us in advance to commit an immoral act - to starve him to death - and the request will be protected by law, and apparently meet with Jeb Bush's approval. But if it's all right to do it if the person requests it, why isn't it all right if he doesn't? It's murder in either case, or else it is not. I sense an underlying absence of principle. I further sense a terrible narrowness to the legislation, and an equally distressing shallowness to the reasons being offered by Terri's defenders for keeping her alive.
Much has been made of the possibility of teaching her to swallow, and of her responses to certain stimuli, in an attempt to refute the assertion that she lies ina persistent vegetative state, as though if she did, the way would then be clear to do away with her. Unless we see a change in Florida law - declaring nutrition and hydration ordinary rather than extraordinary means of treatment - and unless we repeal Senator King's beloved "right to die" legislation, this problem is not going away. If it is not made clear that life support may not be withdrawn from any patient, PVS or otherwise, unless that patient is in the irretrievable process of dying...you get the picture.
I would expect in the coming days a flurry of motions before various judges requesting injunctions against the new law. Judge Greer and one other have already denied two of those requests on a technicality, that Michael Schiavo's attorney filed them before the bill was even signed. But he will refile, again and again. The judges at the moment are feeling the wrath of the populace, but should it subside for a moment they will attempt to reclaim what has been taken from them. And you must not poorly guage just how dedicated the euthanasiasts are to their agenda, just how much - with what depth of feeling and certainty of faith in their own infallibility - they want this woman dead.
Other disturbing comments by various participants in yesterday's drama:
"I hope, I really do hope we've done the right thing," said Senate President Jim King, a Republican. "I keep on thinking 'What if Terri didn't really want this done at all?' May God have mercy on all of us." There he goes again.
"Let us err on the part of not condemning this woman to a painful death that she can feel," said Republican Sen. Anna Cowin. And what if she couldn't feel it, Madam Senator?
"How dare this Legislature and this governor substitute its judgment for the family's?" said Sen. Steven Geller, a Democrat. Which part of the family are you talking about, sir?
"It is simply inhumane and barbaric to interrupt her death process," Felos (Michael Schiavo's attorney) said. "Just because Terri Schiavo is not conscious doesn't mean she doesn't have dignity." That sacred death "process," more sacred in our day than life. Who are you trying to kid, counselor? To you it is her living that is an affront to dignity, not her dying.
"I'm grappling with my religious beliefs and the oath that we took to uphold the Constitution,'' state Sen. Alex Villalobos, R-Miami, told fellow lawmakers Tuesday afternoon. "We're basically being asked to try a case without knowing all the facts." And why didn't you know the facts, Senator? Didn't you care?
And from Terri's father, Bob Schindler: "It's restored my belief in God." This may be the most disturbing of all, but I'll leave it to you.
I don't mean to seem ungrateful or overly pessimistic. It's nice not to have to put numbers after her name anymore, at least for awhile, until the next time. And I hope this poor woman in her frailty is the cause of a revolution wherein the people of this country begin taking out of the hands of judges a power that belongs only to God.
I'll be on the golf course tomorrow (today now), treasuring the company of my ineffably beautiful daughter, and putting out of my mind for at least a while the vexing question of why bad things happen to good people.
Articles: Tampa Bay Online
World Net Daily
What Next?
Terri snatched from hospital.
Michael Schiavo is nothing if not a true believer.
I would also ask readers to email Senator King a second time, if you haven't already done so, thanking him for his contribution to saving Terri's life. If this issue comes before him again, I have a feeling that his fortitude will be supplied by yours.
A Few Items
Oct 24
A report on Terri's condition.
Michael Schiavo's statement justifying his actions.
The reply of Terri's parents.
Wesley Smith's take at the Weekly Standard.
Another article by Smith called "Waking From the Dead," which some of you might have already seen. An excerpt: "Terry Wallis recently woke up. For most of us, this would not be news. But for Terry it was a huge event: He had been unconscious for nineteen years due to injuries sustained in an auto accident. Indeed, upon awakening, he believed that Ronald Reagan was still President."
And another: "After a series of lawsuits, most famously the 1990 Nancy Cruzan case in the United States Supreme Court, all fifty states now permit profoundly cognitively disabled people to be dehydrated to death by withholding or withdrawing tube-supplied nutrition and hydration, as long as their families consent. Such action is not taken because supplying food and water is medically inappropriate, but because of judgments about the quality of these patients’ lives. It is worth noting, in this regard, that many states permit conscious cognitively disabled patients to be dehydrated, if no family members object, even though these patients would have to endure the agony of going without food or water for the two or more weeks it generally takes to die by dehydration."
A Few More Items
Oct 25, 2003
A brief article giving some sense, from the Tallahassee perspective, of the public outcry over Terri's case. Since August 27th, for example, the Governor's office has received approximately 165,411 emails.
An article from Reason Online called "Is Terri Schiavo Dead?" It purports to give you the scientific lowdown on just what a persistent vegetative state amounts to, and which is, in its subtitle - "Eat, Drink, and Vegetate" - in its undisguised disregard for the value of her existence, and in its ultimate conclusion - that she is in all likelihood not even alive - an exercise in exuberant, self-satisfied cruelty. Maybe it's a consequence of making Reason the ultimate good.
A harrowing excerpt from a World Net Daily article concerning the sworn testimony of a nurse who cared for Terri for a little over a year, and who was fired for reporting matters to the police: In a sworn affidavit, Carla Sauer Iyer, a registered nurse who cared for Terri from April 1995 until August of 1996 when she was fired after notifying the police about the case, stated Terri used to talk to her as much as she could and frequently used what sounded like the word "pain." She also interpreted Terri's vocalizing at times as crying "help me."
While acknowledging she had no proof, Iyer said she suspects Michael Schiavo injected Terri, who normally has "very stable" blood sugar levels, with regular insulin to drive her into hypoglycemic shock during his visits.
A remembrance of Terri by an old friend from the days prior to the 1990 collapse. It begins: Diane Meyer can recall only one time her best friend Terri Schiavo really got angry with her. It was 1981, and it haunts her still.
The recent high school graduates had just seen a television movie about Karen Ann Quinlan, who had been in a coma since collapsing six years earlier and was the subject of a bitter court battle over her parents' decision to take her off a respirator. Meyer told a cruel joke about Quinlan, and it set Terri off.
"She went down my throat about this joke, that it was inappropriate," Meyer says. She remembers Terri wondering how the doctors and lawyers could possibly know what Quinlan was really feeling or what she would want.
"Where there's life," Meyer recalls her saying, "there's hope."
If you'd like to know more about the pretty girl in the pictures, in the days before something awful happened, before she was declared not worthy of life, this will help. Terri used to be fat, around 200 pounds on a five foot three frame. In time, she lost a lot of weight, and it was during this period she attracted the attention of Michael Schiavo. After their marriage, she gained a little of it back, and you ladies are not going to like what he said to her.
Keep in mind that Terri's law requires that a guardian be appointed for Terri, and that both sides have five days to agree on one, after which time a judge (I don't know which one, but I haven't seen any yet sympathetic to her cause) will do the appointing. That day should be coming up soon.
Also keep in mind that the question of this law's constitutionality could end up before the Florida Supreme Court, the inventive folks who rewrote Florida law on Al Gore's behalf in the 2000 election. Do you think they would like to take back what Terri's law has "usurped"? Would you like to place bets on how they'll rule?
Terri’s News
Oct 26, 2003
Here's an article I missed, posted Oct. 14, the day before her feeding tube was removed: "In December of 2002, I confronted Ms. Schindler with the 'truth' and told her that unless she helped me in returning her from the comatose state that she was in that she was going to die a horrid death," he wrote. "I explained in detail that they would remove the single tube that was providing her nutrition and she would slowly die of starvation. At this point, it was reported by her father that she sat up in bed and became teary eyed."
And another, of related interest, disputing the widespread media use of the word "comatose" to describe her condition.
For evidence of the way some of your fellow citizens think, here is a page of letters to the editor of a newpaper in Lakeland. The third one down is from parents who looked at their disabled son in a somewhat different light than that which shines from the Schindlers' eyes.
An article about Judge Greer, mentioning another case in which he allowed a tube to be pulled, and which on the whole literally weeps with sympathy for the man. While Greer has become a key figure in the international news event, few outside of Pinellas County know the man who friends describe as conservative, religious and particularly sensitive to protecting the disabled.
Greer is legally blind... But we already knew that.
Unrelated - For those of you who take your sports sreiesly, here's a headline to an article: Marlin Win World Sreies
Must be quite an athlete.
Terri’s News
Oct 27, 2003
I hear Michael Schiavo will be on Larry King Live tonight. If you have blood pressure problems, I'd suggest not watching. This could be one of those instances in which, as Jeff Culbreath suggests, television "rots the brain."
Here's an article in which forensic pathologist Michael Baden (whom you will recognize if you watch enough TV) challenges the famous "potassium imbalance" as the cause of Terri's condition. Baden said he studied a bone scan made in March 1991 at a rehabilitation facility that describes her as having a head injury: "That's why she's there, that's why she's getting a bone scan."
"A head injury can cause, can lead to the vegetative state that Ms. Schiavo is in now," he continued, adding the scan showed evidence of other injuries, bone fractures.
Here's one from August, about Terri's purported attempts to speak. You might like to contrast it with this piece by Townhall columnist Suzanne Fields, whom I sometimes used to read, wherein she reveals herself as either a prisoner of invincible ignorance or a moral idiot: "By most medical evaluations she is brain dead and any movement perceived by others is not directed by consciousness. None of us can play God, but after 15 years in a vegetative state perhaps we should allow Mrs. Schiavo to die." And then she goes Biblical on us: "We can only see through a glass darkly, and it's the glimmer of light behind the glass that makes us human." Huh?
Lastly, here's an interesting picture:

I think behind the sign the child's sitting in a wheelchair. Her name's Susan Keopen. I leave it to you to figure out what her parents are up to.
Terri’s News: Michael Schiavo interviewed on Larry King
Oct 28, 2003
Plenty of others will be doing takedowns of Michael Schiavo's interview with Larry King, so I won't. You'll eventually be able to find a transcript of it here, but it wasn't available yet when I tried.
And an article about it here.
I just thought I'd be the first to deliver the shocking news that Michael is unashamedly pro-choice.
Oh, and the Schindlers' motivation for opposing him every step of the way? They're just trying to make his life "hell." That's it, no other reason.
Except for one other thing: they're being "fed" all this information, or misinformation, by pro-life fanatics. Otherwise they wouldn't be so obstinate. Yeah, they just suck up all that pro-life slop like..well, like they were hooked up to feeding tubes or something.
Terri and a few other things
Oct 29, 2003
First, I want to recommend Paul Cella's current essay, wherein he finds the source of many modern troubles in an ancient phenomenon - heresy - and the inability of its adherents to distinguish reform from rebellion. You'll get to run across St. Augustine, who fought the heretics, and Chesterton, who fought the moderns. Take your thinking cap, enjoy the language, and tell him how much you appreciate the work he puts into these things.
Jeff Culbreath has some inspiring (and fear-inspiring) thoughts on the marriage vow. He drives a hard bargain. But it may be the right one.
Wesley Smith of the Weekly Standard reveals the interview to which Michael Schiavo should have been subjected. One interesting fact we learn is that the legal fees of George Felos and another attorney have consumed more than half of Terri's trust fund. I think I get Mr. Felos' gig. He makes money lobbying in court for the right of one person to kill another. You die, he prospers. It seems vampiric, but I suppose that's too harsh, for he prospers whether you die or not. And if he succeeds in getting the laws of the land to see the light of his vision, he might put himself out of business. Perhaps it's a calling, akin to the religious life. He is very soft-spoken; compassion oozes from every pore; his tone soothes the ear like the balm of beneficence. He has only your best interests at heart. Still, there's something about his voice that reminds me of the fur on Satan's tongue.
I think you'll find Understanding Terri Schiavo interesting. The article examines her behavior - following the balloon with her eyes, smiling at her Mom, grimacing at the touch of a Q-tip - from the point of view of both sides, the Schindlers' and Michael's. This testimony from the head of the neurology department at USF kind of cracked me up: If someone is in a persistent vegetative state, Dunne said, "it looks as though the person knows what's going on, but they're really not... they can smile, frown, etc., but it's really not related to any kind of stimulus. It may just be a reflex." May be, doctor? And work on your syntax, would you?
And from a colleague, also with M.D. after his name: "All persistent vegetative state patients have the appearance of interaction with their environment," he said. "It's a scary, scary, scary syndrome." Not scary enough, I guess. You went to medical school for that?
And finally from a late-to-the-party commenter to my post titled Terri - Day 3, where my guests and I are informed that:
You people are insane!
How many of you would want to be kept alive artificially in the state Terri is in? How many of you would rather rot in a hospital bed, unconscious and wearing diapers for decades? I'll bet no one would - but you're all quick to jump on the political bandwagon and feel good about those that force this human being to remain in this vegetative state - and she is a vegetable (the doctors all agree on this).
Where has the dignity of life gone?!
This is not God's will. This is man's will. Had it not been for the intervention of man, Terri would have been dead 13 years ago, per God's will.
It was signed: Reason. Sounds like the voice of reason to me, always screaming that everyone else is insane. I'll leave it to you guys to pick apart the rest of it.
I may be missing in action for a couple of days. At the risk of sounding vain, I would ask the women not to weep. I'll miss you, too.
Oh, and do something for me. Keep an eye on the progress of Terri's Law in the courts.
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