Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

to all who visit here,
God's blessing upon you in the coming year.

Sorry. Think I had a Hallmark moment. But I mean it anyway. Most likely.

I've always been amazed (except when I wasn't) at the fact that mankind is not stricken dumb with wonder and gratitude by the gift of the Christ Child's story, that men do not lift their eyes heavenward (as did this fellow) to see that not merely the multitude, but any one among them, might be the star announcing that God is with us. The light of Bethlehem flickers ever more faintly in this miserable and faithless world. It vanished from the heavens but, if not extinguished, where did it go? Yes, the yoke is hard, and the burden heavy. Some of you will even shoulder it.

Well, Merry Christmas anyway.


Ellyn said...

Merry Christmas to you, too!

William Luse said...

Thanks, lady. Hope it ain't too cold up there.

DP said...

Merry (continuing) Christmas to you and yours as well!

William Luse said...

Hey, you too, Dale.