That was then - Miss Wasilla 1984 - and this is now:

Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska, one hell of a lot better looking than B. Obama. If we're going to vote based on appearances, I say we go for the real thing. Does anyone really care what she stands for? Is there a sane male in the country (besides Zippy) who would not vote for her? Whom do you want to look at for the next 8 years, McCain or Palin? He could send her out to do all the press conferences. I say he ought to appoint her to fill every cabinet position as well. Since, because of his age, his might be a one-term presidency, you could be looking at her for the next 12 years. There you go. Problem solved.
Gov. Palin and her husband also welcomed a baby with Down's Syndrome into their family last year. She received the news prenatally and continued the pregnancy - she would truly be a pro-life candidate!
Hi, Elena. Yes, I read about that. She has a large family, in fact, likes guns and wants to drill for oil. Palin for President, McCain for VP?
More likely to be Joseph Lieberman, who is not particularly lovely to look at, and that apart from his dreadful positions on all manner of things. Oh, yeah, and the fact that he's a Democrat.
Let's face it: Conservatives are looking at the VP position as an excuse to vote for McCain, even though that's about all the VP position is used for--as a sop to some constituency to drag said constituency out to the polls. C'mon: Let's not be used.
I like 1984.
But seriously, she would be more than acceptable. As would Sam Brownback, but that will never happen.
C'mon, Lydia. Lighten up. This woman could relieve the aesthetic famine that impoverishes the political stage. Besides, so what if she is a sop. If she's the real thing, she could be your president a few years down the road. That's a good effect to be weighed in the balance. I get the impression from you and Zippy that voting for McCain is exactly like voting for Obama. It ain't.
Lieberman would be a disaster. I lost a little (a lot) of respect for the supposedly pro-life Romney when I saw him on TV last night and he refused to answer a direct question: "If McCain chose Lieberman, would it be a good or bad thing for the party?" Instead of just speaking the truth - that Lieberman would cause millions of conservatives to stay home, that it would in short cost McC the election - he dodged, wishing to leave that call up to others.
Dylan, I like her the way she is, in the fullness of her maturity and the glory of her womanhood. 1984 was ok too, though.
Sure beats Dick Cheney...
I admit, I started it, but now I'm stuck: How do I lighten up and respond intelligently to what you said at the same time?
She might make a great president. Let me know when she's running for president.
As for her being VP in this election, the question of what that would do or not do is moot, because John McCain will turn into a large white bird and fly three times around the White House before he will choose her as VP. And you can take that to the bank. (Is that a mixed metaphor?)
No, actually, Zippy spoke pretty well for me in one thread where he said in so many words that voting for McCain is, in his opinion, wrong, but that it isn't at all as bad as voting for Obama. He had some cool metaphor and put it very well, but I can't remember what it was. He was very direct about it and was basically smacking down that Morning's Minion guy who is always trying to get all of us to fight among ourselves.
As for "so what if she is a sop," I'll just put it this way: McCain is one of the Republicans who abuses and uses the social conservatives. I don't like to be treated the way he treats my fellow conservatives. It's not a thing to be laissez faire about. It's rather a big deal. They count on us, and they give us nothing and worse than nothing--outright support for liberal policies. McCain has been moving as far as he can to the left without falling right out of the party for the past 15 years. It's what he's about. It's his idea of being principled, really. He's thumbed his nose at the conservative base again and again (think Gang of 14, amnesty, thing after thing). And even now that iPSCs have been such a success, he can't bring himself to come right out and ditch his support for federal funding for ESCR. He just plays coy and says to the conservatives that maybe the question is "academic" while letting the pro-tax-funded cannibalists go on hoping he'll fund their "research." And _that's_ his idea of courting the conservative vote?? The idea that he could win conservative votes this late in the game, after all this, while keeping his present positions, with a VP pick _alone_, is plain insulting.
Ellyn, you always did have taste.
It's been a painful 8 years, hasn't it?
Let me know when she's running for president.
If McCain picks her, can't you just pretend?
but that it isn't at all as bad as voting for Obama.
That's good to know.
smacking down that Morning's Minion guy
Does his (or her) name have to appear in my comments box?
And you can take that to the bank. (Is that a mixed metaphor?)
It's a cliche, which my previous post warned against, but I make exceptions in the hard cases, such as attempts at prophecy.
I don't like to be treated the way he treats my fellow conservatives.
Me neither. But your sense of injury needs to be weighed against the likelihood of an intensified abortion holocaust under Obama. If you don't think McCain is telling the truth, that babies have rights from conception, then don't vote for him.
The idea that he could win conservative votes this late in the game, after all this, while keeping his present positions, with a VP pick _alone_, is plain insulting.
Have you run this by Frank Beckwith? And, since you're a woman, you can insist on an answer.
By the way, did you cast a vote for president in either the 2000 or 2004 elections?
Yep, in 2000. I voted for Bush. I had some reason to regret it early on, when all the "Roe v. Wade is the settled law of the land" language began flying in all of his nominees' hearings. Thing followed thing (I needn't list them all, need I?), and when it came to his signing McCain-Feingold, which he had campaigned on opposing, that was the straw that broke the camel's back. But there had to be other straws, too, and on even more important issues. In 2004 I voted Constitution Party. It was rather amusing: I went to their party web page and got contact info., then got in touch with somebody in my area and tried to get a yard sign. They wouldn't let me have one. Yard signs are for party members only. I took to calling them the HO Train Party--like a little pretend party in miniature.
Nope, I wouldn't run that particular comment past Frank, because he has been a big-time McCain supporter _before_ the Veep pick and apparently regardless of it. I assume he'll keep supporting McCain even if McCain were to pick Leiberman, though I could be wrong. But given Frank's obviously settled position, I wouldn't try to argue him out of it. I allowed myself to start arguing here only because of the VP angle--it looked like a last-ditch conservative attempt to find an excuse for voting for McCain, so I spoke up. Probably I shouldn't have.
"If you don't think McCain is telling the truth, that babies have rights from conception..."
Either he has redefined 'conception' to mean 'implantation' (you probably know that some Republicans have explicitly done this in the context of the ESCR debate) or he is not telling the truth. If he were telling the truth and meant by the word what conservative would like to think he means, then he would be staunchly and loud-mouthedly opposed to the very _existence_ of embryo-destroying research, much less its being federally funded. To put it mildly, this isn't the position he's presently in. He hasn't even claimed a Romney-style change of heart. He isn't even trying.
Either he has redefined 'conception' to mean 'implantation' (you probably know that some Republicans have explicitly done this in the context of the ESCR debate) or he is not telling the truth.
Yes, Orrin Hatch did it. ("A baby is conceived in a womb, not in a petrie dish.") McCain has the same flawed understanding of conception, just as George Bush - the fellow for whom you voted in 2000 - has a flawed understanding of life's sanctity in cases of rape and incest.
If McCain chooses anyone other than a vehement pro-lifer for VP, he'd done for. He's got to know this. We'll soon see whether the contempt you think he has for us is a more powerful incentive than political survival.
it looked like a last-ditch conservative attempt to find an excuse for voting for McCain, so I spoke up. Probably I shouldn't have.
I don't mind if you speak up, but, umm, the real purpose of the post was to provide some amusement, which I hope didn't entirely escape your notice.
"He's done for." God I hate that.
"has a flawed understanding of life's sanctity in cases of rape and incest."
A) Eight years is a long time in politics, and I realize somewhat better now the costs of compromise, and that partly because of the Bush presidency. I probably wouldn't do now what I did then. In fact, I may even write a post on some very concrete corruption I have seen in the pro-life movement as a result of supporting Bush in 2000. I was shocked at the time. We live and we learn. B) The ESCR issue has an immediate, practical relevance to the president's actions and the state of what goes on in the U.S. As far as I know (I'm happy to be corrected if I'm wrong), Bush's position on abortion in cases of rape and incest did not.
If I can think of something amusing to say about the post, I will. I'm seldom funny, though, except under sudden inspiration.
I may even write a post on some very concrete corruption I have seen in the pro-life movement as a result of supporting Bush in 2000
Good idea.
I'm leaving town for a few days. If anyone needs to contact me, use the yahoo address in the sidebar.
heck, i'd vote for her. she's a heckuvalot easier to look at than those poopy-heads running for prez.
and just for fun, iffin mccain wasn't so long in the tooth, i'd encourage him to have hill country run as his veep. wouldn't that be a giggle-fest?
Rumor has it that she got on a jet for Ohio this morning.
Well this post has some staying power, i.e. "legs". You called it. I never heard of her until this post but maybe Sen. McCain is reading your blog.
Now the election is getting interesting.
(Not only better looking than Dick Cheney but a better shot to boot!)
(Not only better looking than Dick Cheney but a better shot to boot!)
What's the acronym? ROTFLMAO
Yep, she's a real hunter, not the pretend sort. How can you not find something to like in a woman who eats mooseburger?
I saw that, Zippy. It's sort of bothersome that the media keep track of whose planes are going where.
It has legs, TS, by accident, of course.
I hope some of you got to enjoy seeing the lines come into Andrea Mitchell's face this morning on Msnbc, hearing the despair in her voice as it became certain that this beautiful, pro-life woman (who shares none of her beliefs) was McCain's choice.
Now they will begin to pick her apart. Imagine what certain lefty websites will have to say about her. A world of nastiness awaits her. Already I'm getting Google search hits on "Sarah Palin - naked pictures." I wish there were a way to hunt them down and...
"McCain turns into large white bird, flies"
To spare you the pain of telling me so before I say it myself, I was a bad predictor. I said McCain would never pick Palin as his running mate. This doesn't (as you know) change my opinion on him. In fact, I think it will probably be rather bad for Palin herself to become his adjunct. But I dismissed completely the idea that he would pick her, and I was wrong.
Congratulations on a successful haruspication!
Ha. Lydia, you are such a stand-up girl.
Dylan, I always accept congrats, even when I don't know what for.
I also never heard of her until this post.
It's sort of bothersome that the media keep track of whose planes are going where.
Yeah. Flying under IFR (instrument flight rules) is decidedly NOT a private affair, and private jets almost always fly under IFR for various reasons. I file IFR about half the time myself. (For airplanes. I never file IFR in the 'copter).
You can track all the IFR flights in the US here. It is better than using the airline websites for arrival times too: airline websites lie, but Flightaware gets its data right from the FAA, and you can see on the map where the arriving plane is in almost real time.
That is a *very* cool site.
I KNEW you were the Republican kingmaker!
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