Monday, January 09, 2006


I have discovered, apparently by accident (found it on my sitemeter pages), that my old cloning article for Touchstone (Jan-Feb 2004) is now available online. It was originally titled "If Something Can Go Wrong", but was changed by the editors to "The End of Sex as We Know it". Or something like that. They also considerably shortened it. Made me shorten it, actually. The Terri Schiavo piece is also available there, but not the current offering. Now excuse me while I go read Paul Cella's book review of How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization in this month's issue.


Anonymous said...

Excellent article, William. I agree with your take on how cloning will be irresistible to homosexuals. In fact, I'm certain that it is they, more than any other group, who are pushing for the elimination of the legal instruments currently hampering the full exercise of this technology. Let us not forget those two gentlemen in England who had half of each of their DNA injected into an egg and the resultant zygote implanted (back?) in, and carried to full term by, an American woman. After a lengthy legal battle, the baby girl “fathered” by both men became the first child adopted by a gay couple in the UK.

The mind reels, the soul weeps & the heart breaks. God help us all.

Anonymous said...

I am not familiar with that case. Any chance you could find me a link to it, because I'd sure like to read about it?

Anonymous said...

Wow, I didn’t realize they had twins the first time…and now they’re having a third!

Of course, it’s possible that I’m mixing two stories together. On NZ TV they reported that the baby was the product of both men’s DNA, but the only links I’ve found so far (from UK) seem to be saying that both men contributed separately in making the embryos (still frozen!).

Either way, though, it’s all horrible.

You can find several links here

I'll keep looking...

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Bill, didn’t notice the date on that last link I posted (never assume Google's up to date, eh?). The third baby—a boy—is already three-years old now and the entire family has been living in Spain. But they’re trying to get back into Britain with their son.

Now, unless they just got in or the report I heard on TV was a recap of the news events of 05, there must’ve been a more recent case...the search continues.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. I will check them out.

Anonymous said...

you're welcome. You're also cute as bug.

TS said...

She reminds me of Sandra Bullock.

Anonymous said...

I see the resemblance, but she's cuter than Sandra, don't you think?