Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sunday Music: Sweet Little Jesus Boy

Lydia McGrew's daughter, Bethel, age 16, performing at a homeschool Talent Night. I can see the quandary now: "What shall I be? Chess grandmaster? Philosopher? Chess-playing philosopher housewife? Singing star?" My advice: follow the money.


Lydia McGrew said...

Thanks, Bill. And she could be a philosopher, too. :-)

wl said...

I was wondering if that made your life the least bit more difficult.

Lydia McGrew said...

It's the "incipient lawyer" that creates the problems. Not that a talent for law is unrelated to a talent for philosophy.

wl said...

You tell that girl she can sing for me any day of the week, and that I'll be happy to debate her on any topic about which she knows very little.

TS said...

I enjoyed listening to the link in this post but nevertheless it is too little too late. I am hereby making a citizen's arrest. You are wanted for the cold blooded neglect of your blog. One can only hope that in the future you will be a better blog citizen. :)

Btw, on Dylan's blog you were nominated for a Nobel Prize. It's in the comments of his Facebook meme.

wl said...

I deeply apologize for being a lousy blog citizen. Everyone else contributes to the common good and I just pop in every now and then when I feel like it. I wish there were some way for one blogger to cover for another, because you blog enough for the three of us.

Is that nomination accompanied by a sizeable financial award? Or do I have to win the prize to get the money? Some people are in it for the honor. I'm in it for the money. Is the person who nominated me on the Nobel committee? Because I'd hate to get my hopes up prematurely.

TS said...

Unfortunately there's no money involved. Sort of like, er, blogging!