Saturday, January 26, 2008


to the prayer request for Francis Mooney's brother, Joe, leukemia victim, who had been in remission until a recent relapse. He recently underwent a bone marrow transplant, and, says Francis

I hope that all's well with you as a frigid weekend begins. I wanted to let all of you know that my brother Joe is now at home, his body having shown no sign of rejecting the marrow donation. The next months will determine whether he's now able to generate the blood cells that he needs. Joe's immune system remains severely compromised and the risk of infection is very great. But the marrow match was a close one and the long road to recovery is, blessedly, well begun. Joe's wife Diane is stalwart in her loving care and support and we're all hopeful for his continued progress.
...a warm expression of deep gratitude to all of you for standing with Joe by your thoughts, prayers and good wishes. We're all truly grateful.

Peace in your heart, Francis

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