Thursday, June 29, 2006

Of interest...

Enchiridion Militis got tagged yesterday (yes, all in one day) by Instapundit, National Review Online, and Redstate. So there must be something good over there for you to read. For one thing, Zippy's now a contributor, so if you like to argue...

I've been rather lax in my own contributions. Actually, they aren't contributions if you don't make any, are they? Well, I have an excuse. I've been working on something much longer and sillier than anything you'll see over there. Eventually it will be done. To be posted here, not there. I don't think they put up with much silliness, although in time I'll do my best to sneak some in.


Anonymous said...

Kind of you to imply that I had anything to do with the EM traffic spike, even though all of those links are to Josh Trevino's post comparing today's loony left to the John Birch Society. I never much minded being the ugly girl at the dance, though. :-)

William Luse said...

I haven't had time to read Josh's piece, though I'm intrigued by its thesis. I'll get to it. As for you, we love you for your inner beauty, you know, sequential reasoning, absence of non sequiturs, the symmetry of a syllogism, to a good looking woman, it's the best.