Monday, July 11, 2005

Prayer request

My mother, at the age of 79, has developed a case of shingles, is in quite some pain, and according to her doctor could be in for a lengthy and difficult time of it. It's apparently caused by the same chicken pox virus that disturbed our childhoods. It hides out in the body until, later in life, something reawakens it, though manifesting differently. In any case, she asks for your prayers. She already has enough problems, and this affliction is just an insidious piling on.


Susan B. said...


My mother had shingles for about three months last year. She was in awful pain and the pain still acts up sometimes when she is tired or stressed. (Apparently, the shingles causes some permanent nerve damage.)

I will be praying for your mother.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's called postherpetic neuralgia, and I hope she escapes it. Webmd has some suggestions for treating the pain, but she probably already knows about them.

alicia said...

my # 5 kid had shingles at the age of 18!!! she was on acyclovir for a couple of weeks, and managed to escape the neuralgia, but boy was she in terrible pain for several days until the medications kicked in.
My prayers with her.

Anonymous said...

Poor lady! I am praying for her, too.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Sparki. What a pleasant surprise. Thanks.

TS said...

Will pray.

Anonymous said...

Have added her to my morning prayer list. Please let her know there are lots of us praying for her!


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Terry. When you comment, click on "other", then enter your name and a link to your website. The blogger profile thing is a pain in the ...